cosmetic RSS
The Name on Everyone's Lips
Ladies, there is a new lipstick on the lips of everyone you need to know and we are fortunate enough to get to play around with it each day in the Eyes of Solotica office. Lèvres by LFG is the brainchild of a Melbourne beauty. A makeup artist herself, the founder and creator of Lèvres prides herself on producing a luxurious product that she herself can use on her clients and a product that stands up to the testimonies you will see on social media. A luxurious, vegan friendly Velour Matte Lipstick, this brand is certainly giving the Kylie Lip...
Solotica - Which Colours To Wear Now
Solotica coloured contact lenses are a great way to add depth and dimension to your natural eye colour. There are some inspiring beauty looks coming from the best makeup artist's and mua's in the business. Solotica lenses are known to give the best coverage for dark eyes, the colours which are popular for achieving this are.. Solotica Hidrocor Ice Solotica Hidrocor Graphite Solotica Hidrocor Quartzo Now is the perfect time to start experimenting with your beauty looks using Solotica coloured contacts. We are constantly inspired in the Eyes of Solotica office by the beauty looks that are created using...
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- Екатерина Усманова