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Social Sorority - The New Loathed Kids Of Instagram
There's one Instagram account that is on everyones lips at the minute but it's not the type of hype they should be happy about but then again, these kids are the type who love the hype. The Luxury Kids has divided the office of Eyes of Solotica. It's like a polaroid gallery of reality tv. You find yourself almost an hour deep in scrolling through their obnoxiously lavish lifestyles on a regular basis and just when you thought you have seen it all, you see it all again. This is the type of Instaram account that will either make you...
Miley Cyrus x Converse = Dreamy
When it comes to Miley Cyrus we can't get enough of her but even more so now because we are OBSESSED with her Converse sneakers. The new Miley Cyrus for Converse sneakers are the shoes of our dreams. Recently Miley has reinvented herself once again in the style stakes and has continued to set the trends that we find ourselves wearing. Black Glitter anyone? A post shared by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Feb 10, 2018 at 7:27pm PST A post shared by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Nov 17, 2017 at 9:56am PST www.eyesofsolotica.com
"To Our Daughter" Why The World Is Swooning For Kylie
If you haven't already seen the Kylie Jenner " To our daughter" baby video on youtube than you clearly have not lived. If you have already seen it and want to see it again, here it is in all of it's baby glory.On a side note...can her baby shower and girl gang be any more perfect?
At Last, Jenner Reveals Her Pregnancy
Finally we can all rejoice and collect the winnings that we placed on bets that Kylie Jenner was pregnant!! Announcing via Instagram this morning that has given birth on February 1st to a baby girl, Jenner has sent the internet into meltdown with the news. Theories on her surrogacy for her sister Kim have now been put to rest with Jenner admitting she hid her pregnancy for privacy reasons and i mean, we can all relate to that!! Congratulations Kylie we can't wait to see your baby girl! A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on Feb 4, 2018 at 12:27pm PST
Kim Kardashian Valentines Fragrances Are The Cutest Ever!!
It's a scary thought to think that Valentines Day is just around the corner again but just when you thought you could hide away and give yourself another few weeks to prepare, Kim Kardashian goes and releases the cutest Valentines Fragrances. Yet to be released, you'll have to wait until February 1st to know what these adorable and very Insta-worthy fragrances smell like. There are reports that the fragrances will have a fruity undertone but regardless of that they smell like, Kardashian fans worldwide have proven themselves to invest in the scents despite not knowing the fragrances notes. The most...
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