How to care for your Solotica Lenses

Prior to purchasing Solotica Coloured Contact Lenses, you must seek the advice of an optometrist to ensure these Solotica lenses are right for you.

We include the relevant product information next to the products to ensure you take the correct information to be assessed by your optometrist.

Care Instructions & Procedures:

  1. Solotica lenses must be soaked overnight prior to wearing them for the first time.
  2. Never wear your Solotica lenses directly out of the solution in the glass vials.
  3. We recommend not to use any aggressive contact lens solution that contains Hydrogen-peroxide. We recommend brands such as Biotrue or Renu from Bausch & Lomb and Optifree from Alcon.
  4. Before you touch your contact lenses or lens case, always make sure you wash your hands with soap (preferably non-perfumed, anti-bacterial liquid soap). Then thoroughly rinse them and dry them with a lint-free towel.
  5. Solotica Lenses must be cleaned and solution changed everyday to ensure longer life, even if not worn.
  6. Always use fresh solution when storing your Solotica lenses back into the lens case.
  7. Never reuse solution from the previous day
  8. Always wash your hands before touching the lenses. Don't touch your lenses if you have cream or lotion on your hands.
  9. Avoid getting makeup products onto the lens surface.
  10. Be careful when taking the lenses out of the vials for the first time. The lenses are delicate and may rip or tear if you use an instrument such as tweezers to attempt to pinch and removed the lenses from the vial.
  11. You must keep the original Glass vial as it contains your contact lens serial number.
  12. If the lens feels blurry or hazy what should you do?
    Change the contact lens solution that you are using. Clean the contacts properly and let them resterilize again for a day before trying them on again.
  13. If the contact lenses are uncomfortable or scratching your eyes. What should you do?
    Please ensure that you have thoroughly cleaned the lenses with plenty of solution. If this does not resolve the problem, you may have scratched the lens from handling in which case you will need to dispose of the lenses and purchase a new pair.
  14. Our website clearly states the composition of the contact lenses so please seek the advice of an optometrist prior to using them to know if the materials are suitable for your eyes. We take no liability for any possibility of eye infection or eye allergy due to the materials in which the lenses are manufactured from. It is your responsibility to know if you suffer from allergies regarding the materials used in manufacture.
  15. All handling procedures and care instructions are also included in your Solotica packaging. Please read these guidelines prior to using the contacts for the first time.
  16. When storing your Solotica Coloured Contacts remember that if you are not wearing them for a period of time, do not forget to check the solution levels in the storage case and make sure the solution is topped up otherwise your lenses will dry out and there is nothing that can be done.
  17. DO NOT re-store your lenses in the original glass vial. It is not recommended to do so as cross-contamination can take place. Please use the provided contact lens case to store your lenses in once opening.
  18. Always wash the contact lens case prior to storing the lenses in them. Make sure you use a clean, fibre-less cloth to dry the case.
  19. DO NOT open your contacts over a drain. If your lenses or a lens falls down the sink, this is in no way covered under a manufacturers warranty and a replacement will not be issued.
  20. Customers are responsible for the costs to replace lenses they have damaged. For example, if you drop or break your glass vial and damage is caused to the enclosed lens, this is a user fault and is not covered under any manufacturers warranty. If you tear your lens whilst trying to remove it from the case or vial, this is also not covered. Please be careful when handling your lenses.


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