Perfecting that Cat Eye - Raye Boyce Style

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Perfecting that Cat Eye - Raye Boyce Style

When it comes to making a statement eye, a winged eyeliner can be more terrifying than hearing the words "instant coffee", however we have found the trick to perfecting this terrifying task,

We hear ya ladies, you want a magical wand that somehow makes your winged eyeliner thinner on the outer and a little wider on the inner. You don't have time for uneven, thick blocks of liquid black eyeliner that tend to stick your eyelids to the top of your eyebrows and give the impression that you went ten round with Mike Tyson.

Well here's your wand ladies and her name is itsmyrayeraye.

This beauty queen has mastered the art of the perfect cat eye and we are in heaven.

Raye Boyce is a Youtuber, Vlogger and all round genius when it comes to perfectly beauty on a budget. She is thrifty, flirty and fabulous and she is your new best friend.

She has made styling our Solotica Coloured Contact Lenses easier than a Sunday morning with her Youtube tutorial and flawless know how.

When it comes to a Vlogger with a niche for creating statement eyes, eyebrows and makeup looks for these specifically, she's your girl.

All we can say is, "ladies you're welcome".

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