Hannah is not your typical health fanatic, as a successful Dj and a notable fashion icon, Hannah takes a more relaxed approach to her fitness. Yes, she's a machine in the gym but the reason why we love her is because she has without any shadow of a doubt, accepted her form as a woman and embraces her healthy curves.
2. Something Navy aka Arielle Noa Charnas
Arielle is not only a busy mother, a fashionista and a dedicated wife, she is also healthily active in consciously getting the most out of her days. Her main form of fitness, dance. Yes her Instagram is a vivacious array of fashionable colours and fitness snapshots of her dancing. Her fitness journey is relatively new to her in the past months and she is authentically herself which is why we love her.
3. Elle Fergusson
A notable face on the bloggerspher, Ells is your quintessential Aussie beach girl. With toned legs for days and some serious hair goals, Elle twirls her impeccable self around Sydney setting trends where ever she lands. Recently though, her Instagram has taken a new lease of life, fitness. She has become incredibly fitness orientated and rather than being conceded about her journey, she has remained humble and inclusive often giving her fans some much needed "real" insight into what it takes to get healthy.
For more health and beauty news don't forget to head to www.eyesofsolotica.com/latest