Sometimes when you watch a reality TV show it can feel as though you have lost brain cells in the viewing process. More often than not, you will find yourself completely transfixed by the "hows" as appose to the "why's". This very point now leads me to my next question, how on earth has Mama June found fame?
It seems the outspoken loudmouth who originally found her 30 seconds of fame through exploiting her Beauty Pageant daughter, Honey Boo Boo has now gone on to steal the spotlight for herself after losing a commendable 130kgs.
Yet the question must still remain, why after all of the fraud allegations, the admittance of using fake scenes and sensationalised content, is this woman making the tabloids?
Sure, she has lost a commendable amount of weight, sustained her fair share of criticism and global ridicule but is that really enough for her to command a spotlight?
It seems that when it comes to the mother / daughter affairs of this duo, Mama June was always out to live vicariously through beauty pageant daughter, if not create a pathway to fame for herself.
Whilst we at Eyes of Solotica commend her weight loss accomplishments and her new found lease on life, i guess the moral of this Hollywood story is, the duckling finally became the swan.