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beauty blog, cosmetics, eyes of solotica, makeup blog -

When it comes to investing in beauty products, every girl wants to see value in where her hard earned money is going. On average us women spend over $15,00 per year on vanity, yes that's right, we spend a quarter of a yearly wage per year on cosmetics and beauty products because we are creatures of beauty ritual. So when it comes to your coloured contact lenses, investing in Solotica Contact Lenses is the way to go and here is why; Solotica Lenses are the only lenses which come FDA approved. They undergo stringent health and safety testing making them...

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cosmetics, Lipstick, makeup artist, makeupblog -

Ladies, there is a new lipstick on the lips of everyone you need to know and we are fortunate enough to get to play around with it each day in the Eyes of Solotica office. Lèvres by LFG is the brainchild of a Melbourne beauty. A makeup artist herself, the founder and creator of Lèvres prides herself on producing a luxurious product that she herself can use on her clients and a product that stands up to the testimonies you will see on social media. A luxurious, vegan friendly Velour Matte Lipstick, this brand is certainly giving the Kylie Lip...

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eyes of solotica, makeup artist, makeupblog -

For those of you out there just like some of us here in the office, glasses are just not a fashion accessory, more like a fashion hinderance.If you ask those of us who wear glasses, we would provably tell you that in school we wanted to wear them because all the "smart" kids had them, but if you ask us now...we've all been converted to Solotica Prescription Lenses. Gone are the days when we have to be blind as a bat, wasting our coffee money on monthly prescription lenses, thanks to Solotica we can buy one pair of yearly prescription...

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beauty, beautyproduct, eyesofsolotica, lifestyle, Lipstick, mua -

Ladies, there is a new lipstick on the lips of everyone you need to know and we are fortunate enough to get to play around with it each day in the Eyes of Solotica office. Lèvres by LFG is the brainchild of a Melbourne beauty. A makeup artist herself, the founder and creator of Lèvres prides herself on producing a luxurious product that she herself can use on her clients and a product that stands up to the testimonies you will see on social media. A luxurious, vegan friendly Velour Matte Lipstick, this brand is certainly giving the Kylie Lip...

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beauty, eyesofsolotica, lifestyle, makeup, makeup artist, teeth whitening -

If you love your Pearly Whites bright as much us we at Eyes of Solotica do, than there's a new Teeth Whitening product on the market and it's about to change your teeth whitening game. Carbon Coco is an Australian brand that has an holistic approach to keeping our smiles bright. The premise of the brand is to offer us an alternative oral care that is completely void of any chemicals and additives that are found in your traditional brands. The active ingredient in Carbon Coco is activated charcoal. Yes, you heard us, Charcoal! Put simply, activated charcoal has whitening...

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